Charity – a cornerstone of the modern Livery Company

A History of giving

Since the beginnings of the Guilds in the 12th century, one of their first responsibilities was to develop and care for their members. The main ways they did this was to provide training in their trade, such as apprenticeships, and to provide support in sickness and old age.

To this day supporting charity is a major focal point for the Livery Companies, including the Lightmongers. It is vital that our members are part of this. We ask members to join in and enjoy the fellowship of our fund-raising events and to be as generous as they can. All the detail about these events can be found on our events page.

Making an annual donation

Making an annual donation is a great way to ensure that you give ongoing support to the Lightmongers’ Charity Trust Fund. It’s easy to do, simply email our Clerk on for the details, you can even gift aid your donation.

Our Charitable Trust Fund

Our Charitable Trust Fund is operated independently of the Company’s day to day activities via a separate legal entity and it is run by appointed Trustees. These trustees are responsible for investments and payments.
Our current Trustees are all Member of the Company; Tony Ginman, Barbara Harding, John Harding, Peter Harris, Bob Kronman, Mike Simpson and Steve Thomas (Chair of Trustees).

We review our charitable support each year and this year’s initiatives are:

  • Making grants to charities that support those with sensory impairment of sight and/or hearing, where good lighting can be very beneficial.
  • City of London charitable causes such as the annual Lord Mayors’ Appeal and our affiliated organisations.
  • Education grants; you can find more details about this on our education page.

We aim to progressively grow our Charity’s capital base so that we can generate more income for giving in the longer term. We do this through:

  • Donations and legacies to the capital of the Charity by Lightmonger members
  • Fund-raising events
  • 50% of the interest arising from the invested capital, after costs have been covered. (The other 50% is distributed via donations to charities).

All covenanted giving by members and income from fundraising for a specific purpose, is distributed to the charities we support – it does not add to the capital base of the Charity Fund.

Our Charities in more detail

Sensory impairment

The Lightmongers are proud to be affiliated with two specialist schools, Mary Hare School for Deaf children and young people, and New College Worcester for blind and partially sighted children and young people.

Our affiliations include engaging with pupils and staff through activities and events, gaining a better understanding of the vital work the organisations carry out and of course, fundraising.

The Lightmongers also support a range of other charities that work with people who have a sensory impairment and organisations who undertake research into prevention.

City of London Charities & our Affiliated Organisations.

We make donations to some of the City of London charitable causes including the annual Lord Mayor’s Appeal; The Hackney Carriage Drivers Magical Taxi Tour to Euro-Disney for sick children; City of London Red Cross; etc.

We also make donations or awards to our affiliated organisations.


The Lightmongers Charitable Trust provides significant financial support to encouraging and developing people in our industry through providing a range of lighting education awards. For more details visit our education page.

What can you do?

The feeling of achievement and the positive impact you can have on the lives of others by getting involved is invaluable. You can take part in many ways, e.g.  from making a donation, participating in fund-raising events and becoming involved in any initiatives we undertake with the organisations we support.

For more information or to share your ideas, please get in touch with our Clerk on

Steve Thomas
Chair of Trustees